Some Spring Blooms!


Amy Wing said…
Jenny, I just found your etsy shop - wow! I am so taken by several of your images and will be ordering as soon as I can narrow down my choices. Wish I could afford to buy a whole bunch of your prints. :) Is there any flexibility in the size of print? I know I will definitely get Evening Queen and may also get either Booty Call or Magic Carpet Ride. Don't know if hubby will find them to his liking, but the eroticism of those two just calls to me. I'd love to know your thoughts about them and how/why you created them.
Jenny Mendes said…
There is flexibility on the size if it is smaller, I can't really make it much bigger without losing clarity. What size were you thinking of? If you send me your email I will write more about the pieces. My email is on my website. I couldn't figure out how to contact you directly....but hopefully we'll connect soon!

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