Sequence of events

Why is this a good place to sit?????  Its a good thing the plates were bisqued!

I'm working on four dinner sized plates at once.

The format is larger than usual for me, so I have to figure out how the space will work.

The colors will be much different glazed, the background will probably be a deep avocado.  I'm curious to see how the others will turn out.  I was a little hesitant with this one.  Hopefully  the next one will be a bit looser.


Judy Shreve said…
Funny shot of your kitty!
These are beautiful - do you bisque your background color and then paint with underglazes? -and then will you fire one more time with a clear?
Jenny Mendes said…
Usually I don't bisque first at all, just do all the underglaze/terra sig painting, bisique and then clear..... I'm not sure why these were bisqued? But I painted the background on some sort of very low bisque. They had been sitting around for a while.
Hi Jenny,I am so pleased I found your blog-
I think your work is so very beautiful-

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