The Sense of an Ending

I just finished reading this book.  By Julian Barnes.  Listening rather.  It was short, but full.  4 discs.  Gave me a lot to think about.  It won the 2011 Man Booker Prize but I didn't know that when I began.  Someone but now I can't remember who, told me to read it.  Actually, I'd like to read it, now that I've heard it.  I probably missed a lot.  Good to work to,... it kept me focused all day.  If you've got an recommendations, please pass them on.  I'm always looking for a good listen.


FoFum said…
The Glass Room
The Madonnas of Leningrad.
Jenny Mendes said…
Thank you!! I haven't read either of them.
Annie said…
"Little Bee", I am almost done reading it and it is a most wonderful book.
Unknown said…
Wow. This sounds very intense. I'll have to check it out. I don't really have any recommendations right now. I'll think about it. Glad you enjoyed this book.
Jenny Mendes said…
I heard about LIttle Bee. I'm definitely going to get that one if I can on tape! Thanks!

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