wee skully 2.0

Making some summer/fall inventory.  A little slow getting back into these, as though I forgot how to do it!! After about 60, I think I'll have some choice ones to show in a few weeks and I'll be back in the swing of it.... and so it goes...


Jan said…
LOVE these!...the colors, the patterning, everything. I hope they'll become part of your ongoing production.
smartcat said…
Cool designs and colors. I like the way they look together, like candy!
Unknown said…
Yes, these are great, Jenny! I can see why you make so many of them. One won't do. A whole set of them is needed!!!
Jenny Mendes said…
They are kind of like candy. Once I start, it's hard to stop!
Lenore said…
i like them!
*o* they are very cutes and funnies!
Their forms and theirs colors it reminds me Mexican Skull-Candy that we can to eat during all the Soul's Day... ^^ Well done Mme Mendes!
Jenny Mendes said…
Thank you all! Now I'm going to get to work on the rest of them - and will show a photo when I'm finished painting!

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