Progress reports

Below you can see the rebuilding progress being made on the home of my friend's Sister and her son's family after the Nepal earthquake destroyed their home.  Again, I want to thank those of you donated. It is definitely making a big difference in this family's life.  You can see in the first photo the bare structure of the house after all of the brick was removed....and how they have put it back together, considered temporary and good for maybe six years, though I'm guessing it may end up being permanent for as long as it lasts. There is plywood on the inside walls now, and I was told they are happy about it, as they feel it is an improvement upon what was there, much cleaner inside then it was with mud walls.  They are back in the house, and still working on it.... When I have more photos to share I will. On another note, my sale has been going really well so far, if you haven't had a chance to check it out, please do... it's going on through Monday at 11:00.


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