A few words on struggle

I started the painting on this cup yesterday.  I liked the drawings, and needed to fill in the details.  Somehow, I lost my clarity and the background got totally confused.  But I still really liked the figures, so I kept trying to fix it, only getting deeper and deeper into the swamp of chaos...... I actually almost gave up, it looked horrible and felt like a failure, and I was so close to thowing it into the trash, but still I really liked the initial drawings, especially this one, so I didn't quit, and eventually, by washing back the surface I got to a place that I really liked.  It kind of reminded me of Van Goghs starry starry night... But, it was tough getting there.  Why am I writing this?  To encourage anyone in their work not to take the easy way out, but stick with it and find a way out of the darkness when it isn't going well.  Up until this point for the last ten or so paintings I have done it was easy, but on this one I really hit the wall, and then, like coming up to the surface of the water after diving down way too deep, and thinking I might drown, I surfaced, and with a new discovery!  By wiping away the background, I created a really lively surface that excited me, and at that point the hours of distress that it took to get to that point were worth it......


This painting is amazing. wooww. It gave me shock. great wok...
Loved your art.
Team Traffic Racing

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