My mom bought this freaky cat sculpture.  I don't know why.  I guess it spoke to her.  Then she put it on the table as a center piece.  But it spoke too much and she said it's eyes were scaring people, especially her.  So she asked me to try and fix it.  Got any ideas????


smartcat said…
I don't know, Jenny. My Siamese cats used to look at me like that, especially when I was sleeping. Waking up was exciting to say the least.
Linda Starr said…
I wouldn't change it, that's part of it's charm, definitely folk art.
sMacThoughts said…
Hahaha! Oh gosh, funny. Well, I would say if it's a 'must' for her to change it, just add a bit of an upper eyelid over the eyes in order to make it seem less 'alert', and more, let's say' relaxed. But I tend to agree with Linda Starr, and prefer not to change things from their original state. If it were mine, I'd stare at it and 'make' the face and expression say something else to me, not so alarming - - say, he was alone for so many years, and now your Mom has chosen him and brought him into her home and he's just so excited and curious; all the pretty things to look at, now being out in a room, not alone in a cold box in someone's garage or attic. And he is so grateful for your Mom to bring him into his life, though a little part of him worries, she, like the other person, might take him and stow him away in the dark, too. He just wants to be a part of someone's life. :) [I collect antique toys, and many are a bit creepy, so I am a pro at 'turning the creepy factor around'. Once I give it a 'story', I never see it the same. None of my collection is creepy to me now.]
Unknown said…
Oh, that it too funny. I like sMac's Thoughts. I don't know about changing the eyes. Seems a shame.
Cheryl said…
I don't think it's freaky, I love it!
Jenny Mendes said…
It is freaky scary, to me, and if I don't change it, I might have to keep it, since she says it scares everyone. Of course she puts it in the middle of her table, for that effect I think, in a subversive way. I might offer your suggestions to her, not to change it and see what she says.... :) I thought about changing the eyes, just a little, but I do hate tampering with someone else's work!!! Thanks everybody!
Anne said…
There is something about it's eyes that speaks. If you changed them it would be just another pointless trinket/dust collector. It doesn't feel scary but intelligent. Very nice.

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