Too much stuff

Things got out of hand while I was gone.  It's taken me two days to sort it all out to have a place to work again.  Even Claude looks a bit perplexed!

What to do with it all?

Trying to figure out where to put things.

Finally making progess, but, someone was always in the way...

Enough space to work now :)


Judi Tavill said…
There is no clay dust! Where do you do your greenware work?
smartcat said…
Your helpers will always be there. Good for you to get a working space going. I am still in the building up stuff stage.
Jenny Mendes said…
Oh, don't worry, there is dust! I vacuumed for a long while. Usually I can only do one thing at a time, work green or decorate. No room for both to be going on at the same time. But you will see, hopefully next time you visit Cleveland!!!
Jenny Mendes said…
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Unknown said…
How nice to clean up the studio and makes space to work. Love your pet photos and the beautiful views you have from your studio.

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