Stefana Inspiration & Imagination

A friend asked me recently to make a small wedding gift for her two women friends that will soon be  married. They had been ex-communicated from an eastern orthodox church because they were gay, but they still loved the orthdox theology.  She told me that in the greek orthodox church one of the most prominent aspects of the wedding ritual is the use of "stefana" or wedding crowns, which are used during the "crowning " part of the ceremony.  The crowns symbolize the honor that is being realized by the couple through god, and the ribbon that ties the stefana together symbolizes the couple's unity.  This is a beautiful concept, that inspired and sparked my imagination.  Can you guess which one she liked the best??  I liked #3 and #5 best.  Getting back to work has been slow, I've been distracted, but over several days, I was able to paint these eight bowls....
