finally listening to what she was trying to tell me

People won't often tell you what is on their mind, even when they want you to know the truth.  Sometimes they might not even be able to tell you for one reason or another, but that doesn't mean you can't know or feel or clearly sense what's going on.  I am very sensitive and intuitive in this respect, though I am not always fully conscious of  what it is I am sensing.  Often times we choose to see or hide from the truth that is right before our eyes.  True for people, and also for  animals.

My cat had been trying to tell me something lately.  For a few months, actually.  She would come to me and paw me in the forehead and in the face, relentlessly.  Again and again, something she had never done before.  I tried to ignore it, but I knew she wasn't eating well, and she was losing weight and was in the beginning stages of kidney failure. Still she seemed ok, other than being boney.  Finally, I took her in to the vet today, and the determination was that I should give her daily IVFluids.   I have never done this before but I said yes, of course, I will figure it out, and I won't be scared to try.  I am trying more and more to say yes, especially when I am afraid to do something.  Little by little it gets easier when you say yes instead of no, even when staring into the  the face of the unknown.  Just like anything you practice.   I want to apply this to my work as well.  Stay centered and unafraid of change.  Listen and see and respond  to the invisible that I as sensing.  I feel like it is a skill I am open to, and could develop.  In my relationships in the world, as well as in my work.  I suppose there is a lesson in everything if you are willing to pay attention.  Btw this isn't my cat.  That photo will will come later.


smartcat said…
I hope the iv helps your kitty.
Good post! Just what I needed!
Linda Starr said…
hope your cat feels better, once one of my cats was hit by a car and had to have her jaw wired shut and the vet gave me some high protein food in a tube that had molasses in it and I had to take a glob every so often and rub it in her mouth, perhaps that might also help your cat get some energy and weight gain.
Your cat is wise and she's lucky to have you.
I especially love the 'saying yes' part.
So true that it gets easier.
Anonymous said…
Well didn't go too well today with the IV but I expect tomorrow will be better....

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